Working with your hands gives you a great sense of accomplishment and a sense of ownership that you have built something by yourself.
Though it may not seem so, gender is actually irrelevant in woodworking. With proper guidance and technique, both guys and girls equally become adept at using the right tools for the job at hand. This is sure to increase your self-confidence, competency and sense of achievement.
Working with their hands builds their hand-eye coordination, applied maths (lots of measuring, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division to do!), attention to detail, dexterity and over time, instil confidence about using dangerous tools carefully and respectfully.
Besides woodworking skills, children also develop their soft skills. Around a woodwork bench it’s not uncommon for children to advise each other or help those in need. Camaraderie develops unconsciously and naturally. A possibly timid child will beam with pride when he/she accomplishes a goal in mind.
Children are naturally inquisitive about new things. Some may be intimidated by the workshop surroundings, the various tools and the enormity of it all. But deep within they are excited to get started and look forward to making something.
My job is to give them a safe place to do so, with tons of guidance under my watchful eye.